Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The cervical suture was removed yesterday morning and the removal process was not only painful (done without any anesthetic) and uncomfortable but extremely awkward as well. Basically my legs were propped up and raised in a very unglamourous and undignified position while the doctor removed the 2 stitches. Oh, I forgot to add that at least 6 pairs of eyes were watching the whole procedure which lasted around 15 minutes. The doctor was very impressed that I didn't use the gas they provided to alleviate the pain... I wanted to tell him it's because I was torn between pain and embarrassment. Still can't decide which is worse. Anyway, I'm glad it's all behind me now and I'm still grateful that those little 2 stitches helped to keep little bun in me till now.

As expected, the removal of the stitches led to some bleeding and even more contractions. They've also taken me off Salbutamol once the stitches were removed... From then on it's 'come what may' and they are all prepared should little bun decide to make his/her grand entrance. I'm pleased and very relieved that the contractions gradually subsided and eventually faded away totally!! It's a real miracle! I've finally been allowed bathroom privileges today and took my first hot shower in more than 2 weeks!!

From here on, we are just playing the waiting game. Of course every extra day is an added bonus and I'm still fighting tooth and nail to keep little bun inside me for as long as I can. I had another scan done this afternoon and little bun's weight is now around 2.2kg. I'm hoping that we'll make it till little bun weighs at least 2.5kg or more. Till then, I reckon they will continue to keep me in hospital and monitor me closely. As I have encountered before, the contractions can just hit without any warning so we are not taking any chances.

Hang in there, little bun. Daddy and Mummy are eager to meet you but we'd rather wait a few more weeks till you are stronger.

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