Saturday, February 18, 2012

Little Bun is 4 Months Old!!

Little bun is 4 months old today. He marked this special day by reaching yet another milestone, he can now roll over from his back onto his stomach unaided! He is pleased as punch with his newly acquired skill and keeps practicing it even when he is half asleep (last night Mark and I watched him execute the maneuver while he was semi-asleep with his eyes half closed. Our cute little bun never fails to baffle and amuse us with his antics!

Some of the nights as I lay beside my sleeping child, I still find it so hard to believe that I successfully carried him in my womb for 37 weeks and he belongs to me. Ok, ok, he belongs to 'us'. Mark never fails to correct me when I refer to little bun as 'my son'.. He is 'our son', happy??!). Many times I have drifted off to dreamland by staring at his beautiful face or by gently stroking his chubby cheek. As little bun now sleeps between Mark and I (so much for investing in an expensive baby cot!!), we can no longer hold hands when we sleep, as was our usual practice. However I have found myself a (even better) replacement.. I have begun letting little bun grab hold of my finger during bedtime!

I love him so much I think my heart is going to explode.

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