Friday, April 20, 2012


To celebrate little bun's half-a-year-old birthday, little bun's doting dad bought for him this Jumperoo from Fisher-Price. His daddy bought it behind mummy's back and without using any of the membership discounts that mummy has. It would have shaved at least 10%-15% off. The mummy is not happy.

Mark and I had been discussing whether or not we should be buying the Jumperoo or the ExerSaucer from Evenflo for little bun for a couple of weeks now. They both cost quite a bit, so there's no way we can get both. Moreover, they are both pretty big and bulky, we have no room in our pigeon-hole sized apartment for both of them. The other thing holding me back is this will only be able to keep little bun intersted for only a couple of months. The 'return on investment' actually is not high. Well, I suppose to Mark, nothing is more important that his champion having fun and enjoying himself, so he went ahead and bought the Jumperoo after reading reviews of both products.

Below are photos of the first time we put little bun into the Jumperoo... he was quite puzzled and uncertain of the new toy at first. In fact I think he was a little afraid of the flashing lights and loud music.

I have put him in again today (3rd time) while I did some housework and he is showing a lot of interest in it! (Whew..for a moment I was really worried that it'd be money down the gutter if he doesn't fancy it). Little bun was turning himself around to the different areas and also started 'jumping' gently. Hope he continues to show interest in his new toy!!

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